
178 - Recommendations for the implementation of the international standardization of glycated hemoglobin in Italy

Autor(s): Documento prodotto dal Gruppo di Lavoro GLAD (Gruppo di Lavoro A1c Delegati) A. Mosca, M.T. Branca, M. Carta, M.L. Genna, C.B. Giorda, R. Ghidelli, G. Ghislandi, D. Iafusco, A. Lapolla, V. Buondonno Lombardi, C.A. Lovagnini Scher, M. Marra, G. Medea, F. Meschi, A. Pizzini, F. Rossi, R. Scalpone,G. Tofinit, M. Trovati, M. Zaninotto

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 178-83

This document is issued by a group of experts, nominated by a number of Italian associations and scientific societies, in order to promote a well coordinated plan to implement the standardization of glycated hemoglobin in Italy, according to the reference system promoted by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC). Goals for the total error (6.7 %) and imprecision (<= 2.0 %) have been defined, together with the new S.I. units (mmol/mol). How to relate old and new units, and timeline for the change have been indicated.
Key-words: glycated haemoglobin, standardization , imprecision, total error.

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