
033 - Technological and organizational innovations applied to molecular predictive medicine

Autor(s): S. Ursi, G. Vitullo, S. Matera, M.R. Flacco, A. Poliandri, A. Di Muzio, C. Di Iorio, E. Toniato, S. Martinotti

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 5, N. 3-S1, 2009 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 33-39

The human genome project, completed in 2003, has delivered to the international scientific community the genetic sequence of 3.164.700.000 pairs of bases almost completely (99.9%) shared by all the individuals. Most of the differences among individuals are constituted by nucleotide polymorphism, several changes of a single base SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in the DNA. In medical field, the new data about the human genome allowed the consolidation of a new dimension of the medicine, in particular the so-called “Predictive Medicine”. It is, in practice, about an approach that, being based on the information obtened from the genetic constitution that characterize the individual, can anticipate the risk to develop a particular pathology during the life. The interest to the genetic component of the susceptibility to complex diseases is assuming more and more importance in the modern medicine, since not only it reveals the role of relatively common genetic polimorphism but also, associated with each other and with specific environmental components, can highly increase the risk to develop cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
Key-words: technological innovations, microarray, PCR Real- Time, Taq-Man.Time, Taq-Man.

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