
094 - Quality assurance programs and risk reduction

Autor(s): L. Sciacovelli, S. Secchiero

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 2, N. 3-S1, 2006 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 94-101

To assure the quality of the service in order to guarantee increasingly high quality standards, thus providing increasingly effective information, the medical laboratories must implement quality assurance programs that should be integrated with the Quality System and Programs of Accreditation/ Certification. Technical-professional competency, managerial skilfulness and a deep sense of responsibility are required to laboratory staff to reduce the risk of adverse events by a systematically assessing, reviewing and seeking ways to prevent their occurrence. This paper identifies some areas of the laboratory activity in which the risk of error can be very high and reports some possible tools of quality assurance to use. The Accreditation Program complies to International Standard ISO 15189:2003 is the most appropriate system to guarantee the service of the medical laboratory and, in which, the Quality Assurance Programs find their most efficacious evidence

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