227 - From the theory to the practice; a very interesting proposal from the Education Committee of the Association of Clinical Biochemistry for the Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine diffusion
Autor(s): R.M. Dorizzi
Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 3, N. 4, 2007 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)
Page(s): 227-229
Evidence based laboratory medicine (EBLM) needs to be integrated into working practices throughout the profession; all the beginners should learn EBLM as part of their core curriculum and all the practicing laboratorians should understand the EBLM tools. Since EBLM does not easily lend itself to lecture style or large group teaching as it is as much about the practical skills as about the theory, the traditional training courses are not the appropriate teaching format. The ACB Education Committee recently made several proposal for the EBLM diffusion: 1) incorporation of EBLM into Pre-Registration Training; 2) organization of ACB accredited University courses and training day at the national meeting (courses content should be reviewed, didactic and interactive teaching sessions introduced where possible, and all speakers asked to use EBLM as the basis of their teaching); 3) pre-registration log book should be changed to include EBLM information (e.g. formal critical appraisal of papers, business case for a new test or service, systematic review); 4) EBLM promotion through relevant publication in Annals of Clinical Biochemistry (e.g. short critical appraisal of EBLM papers from the literature, reports of EBLM projects, teaching tools/spotlights). The introduction of 10 minute practical slots and of examples of problem solving before each plenary session, of EBLM interactive plenary sessions and EBLM training for regional tutors and trainee supervisors will be asked to the National Meetings Secretary and to the chair of the 2008 National Meeting organising committee. The pragmatic and systematic approach of ACB could and should be usefully adopted also by the Italian Society of Laboratory Medicine.