
109 - Teaching Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine: How to spread the word?

Autor(s): R.H. Christenson

Issue: RIMeL - IJLaM, Vol. 4, N. 3-S1, 2008 (MAF Servizi srl ed.)

Page(s): 109-110

There is a changing paradigm in clinical and laboratory medicine that has been driven by the easy availability and rapid access to information. This paradigm is coined evidence-based laboratory medicine (EBLM); stated simply, EBLM involves the process for use of best quality information on which patient decisions are made. The EBLM process involves the A5 cycle: Ask a well-formulated question; Acquire the evidence to address the question; Assess the evidence critically; Apply the evidence in practice; Assess (or Audit) the impact of change. The purpose of this lecture will be to address how the specific skill set needed for EBLM should be presented to effectively spread the word on this new paradigm...

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